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Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional
Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional – James Weaver, Kevin Mukhar, James Crume – Google Books
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On ce you have a good grasp of the java language and feel comfartable with applying the dass libraries using the Standard Edition of the java System Development Kit, you’ll almost certainly be looking at where to go next. Progression to the Enterprise Edition of the SDK is likely to be a natural choice for many, simply because so much professional java programming effort is deployed in developing network-based applications. However, getting into developing Web Services and Enterprise Applications generally is more of a giant leap than a small step, simply because of the vast range of programming topics, technologies, and standards you have to master. This book is a very good starting point because it provides you with a structured introduction to most of what you need to know. The previous edition of this book provided an excellent introduction to server-side programming using the java 2 Platfarm, Enterprise Edition,j2EE, and this new edition is even better, having been fully updated to cover the latest version,j2EE 1. 4. In a single book package, it covers all of the key capabilities provided by thej2EE 1. 4 that you are most likely to need in a real-worldjava development context.
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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide – Maria Langer – Google Books
The latest update of this best-selling Visual QuickStart Guide will have you up and running in no time with Snow Leopard, the fastest and most reliable version of the Mac OS X ever. Respected, best-selling author Maria Langer will take you through all of Mac OS X’s groundbreaking capabilities and new features. With plenty of screenshots to clearly illustrate techniques, this reasonably priced guide is a great reference to the essentials of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Get up and running in no time with the best-selling Visual QuickStart guides. The key to their worldwide popularity: concise, step-by-step explanations of core tools and techniques in a task-based reference format, with plenty of screenshots to keep you on track as you work.
Veröffentlichungen – Band 23 – Seite 870 – Google Books-Ergebnisseite
Veröffentlichungen – Germany. Reichsgesundheitsamt – Google Books
Linux實戰特區:Ubuntu架站完全攻略 – 翁卓立 – Google Books
※電子書不附範例檔案。作者長期使用及推廣Ubuntu,並在此領域裡研究甚深,故本書延續作者知無不言的個性,書中巨細靡遺從伺服器架設理論到實務通通教授給讀者,而包括伺服器系統的工作原理、系統架設與管理、檔案與網路分享、郵件設定、防火牆設定、動態主機設定及流量統計…等,讓讀者完整學會伺服器安裝與管理。 本書適合熟悉Ubuntu的使用者及欲使用免費的程式開發架站的系統工程師或程式設計師。
Lectura super secunda parte Infortiati – Google Books-Ergebnisseite
Lectura super secunda parte Infortiati – Bartolus (de Saxoferrato.) – Google Books
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